Then, a parent at my school found out I wrote poetry and assumed my political affiliation and gave me THIS BUMPER STICKER. It was perfect: small, subtle. I could don my politics with some pride but not get tailgated. Unfortunately, it faded after two southern summers to become just a white square.
I will be ordering another soon, and since they come in a batch of five, I will mail the others to the first four people that e-mail me. The more bright blue dots around the better.
The parent's assumption is something to think about. I know there are conservative poets, but for the most part, does poet=liberal?
......can you be both liberal and conservative at the same time?......i say......of course you can.....yes.
This is true - a good point.
I've gotta get my dad that! I can see you've got a Flickr badge.
Learning some code, eh?
Hi Jake,
Just cutting and pasting - I'm not an expert like YOU! I can send your dad one of the bumper stickers . . .
Howdy. Hate to horn in on your post, but wanted to let you know that we, here at Bright Blue Dot HQ are very sorry about the inferior quality of those first few Dots we printed. When we see people driving around with white squares, we are filled with remorse and try to leave a shiny new and improved sticker tucked under their windsheild wiper. So, when you do place your order, we'd like to throw in a couple of extra stickers to show our heart's in the right place (or is that the left?). Please send us a note, along with your order and we'll take care of it. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Meanwhile, thanks for helping spread the word!
Take care. And keep the faith.
Your friends at BBD
Hi Carter - there are so many issues, how can a binary system accommodate them all? Thanks for coming by!
Thanks BBD HQ - how cool! I did notice a vast improvement in the paper quality when my friends ordered just a short time later (and their bumper stickers never faded). I'm glad you upgraded. Thanks!
I'm right there with Carter. Would love a blue dotif any still available. Here's to hoping our neighbors' eyesight has not improved!
Will do Nancy!
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