Kinda purty, eh?
While I was cooking this dinner last night - Sauteed Chicken with Rosemary, Olive, and Roasted Pepper Sauce over Orange Rice - my children did their own cooking in the other room. They were busy tossing a salad with french fries, bacon, and lettuce (i.e. torn construction paper of various colors in new stainless steel dog bowls).
The most fulfilling part of cooking a Rachael Ray meal "for the not too tired" is having both of your children "accidentally" spill their drinks on their dinner. Hmmmmm, are they trying to tell me something?
I try to be as true to the orginal recipe as I can, but have learned to use less zest, garlic, and red pepper flakes for my kids' bland tastes. Another variation was due to the fact that I couldn't find plain golden raisens at the store, so I used golden raisens with dried cherries instead. The cherries added extra color and kick.
This dish turned out well for the grown ups with an interesting combo of flavors, and the kids were coaxed into eating at least the chicken and rice, eventough the rice tasted like "tea" and had "stuff in it".
I have figured out that the secret to many RR recipes (in addition the flood of EVOO) is bits o' bacon.
Today is Craig and my 9 year wedding anniversary, to celebrate, we are looking at another puppy this evening for MH: a golden/collie mix.
How romantic!
Happy anniversary! And, oh my god, please invite me to dinner sometime.
Thanks Michael - I'm a freelance photog for Gourmet - ha!
Hi Michelle! Come over any time for dinner - bring the chocolate cake . . . :)
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