Saturday, March 18, 2006


Micheal saw the movie V for Vendetta last night and has some initial thoughts at his blog, in which he also refers to another movie Fahrenheit 451. You can get a thorough description of Fahrenheit 451 the book/movie HERE. The part of Fahrenheit 451 that really struck me is that since the society bans books, a few rebels commit entire novels to memory. I keep trying to figure out which book I would memorize - such a daunting task!

So I'd love to hear . . .

Which book would you memorize?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Being a Friend by Eugene Kennedy

3:43 PM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger J.B. Rowell said...

Thanks everyone - I now have a new book to look into - On Being a Friend. The rest I've read and enjoyed but should read again. My reading list gets longer and longer, but where's the time?

I think I would TRY to memorize Wuthering Heights - good company.

7:18 PM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger Pris said...

Illumination Night by Alice Hoffman. She's not only a novelist. Her novels read like poetry and magic combined. I've read all of her books and this and Turtle Night are tops on the list.

No War and Peace for me as a memory task:-)

6:46 AM, March 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, On Being a Friend is out of print. If I can find my copy, I'll mail it to you.

7:16 AM, March 21, 2006  
Blogger Michelle M. Buchanan said...

Not a novel, but I'd memorize the most recently updated dictionary.
Than join the underground authors club.

11:19 AM, March 23, 2006  
Blogger Michelle M. Buchanan said...

Not a novel, but I'd memorize the most recently updated dictionary.
Than join the underground authors club.

11:19 AM, March 23, 2006  
Blogger Michelle M. Buchanan said...


11:20 AM, March 23, 2006  
Blogger burning moon said...

I think I'd memorize Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey. It's one of the best, most impressive books I've read. It has runs of pure poetry in it and a beautiful metaphor of glass and the Prince Rupert's Tear running throughout the book.

But it'd be a close battle with Pride and Prejudice.

2:48 AM, March 26, 2006  

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