Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I'm not sure where I fall on the "Women's Poetry" issue yet - right now I'm peeved that none of the women poets who addressed it in this issue of Poetry had a definitive stance on the topic. They're yes/no response annoyed me, even though it may be the best response, even the correct response. In the mean time, Poetry also has a web exclusive from their archives on Carl Sandburg, with a slide show of his orginal manuscripts. One poem I read for the first time seems to sum him up - The Hammer. Of course, it also features Chicago, my hometown poem.

I had said a while back that I had a poem brewing on Mrs. Sandburg, but here's what came out - more on the Mr.

Life Mask
J.B. Rowell

This is where Eternal
Hobo made his home, dirtied
paper at night, slept in mirroring
pond of grey day.

Creative hush punched through
with lightening traffic,
shame, still white house
shines for daily walkers

up hill around decorative
hay bales, 2 lakes, 2
mountains, 250 acres, tour
frozen days, breathe on

papers filed: F=Friends
AAT=Answer Any Time
No=The People

Yes, to idiot box in small
doses, thief of time
guest in Crazy Corner
typing on orange crate

so hobo can get up and
go to mask of Life Mask
see what others see
insomniac strife, socialist

compulsion, goats far enough
away to forget.


Blogger Michelle M. Buchanan said...

I know barely anything about him and I thought this was excellent Julia. Also, I loved your baby lessons (esp the numbered part).

I normally don't "critique" on blogs, I comment on what I like mostly. I do like people to do it for me, I just feel like I'm not quite good enough to tell someone, plus I'm known for speaking too soon. Sometimes it takes me many reads to really digest something.

Anyway, you've been producing some great stuff here.

Re: the womens poet issue. I'm not fond of catagories. To remedy the situation I write under other pen names, one being a man.

I don't want be seen as a man or a woman, I just want to write.

12:42 PM, January 18, 2006  
Blogger J.B. Rowell said...

I trust you, and love your poems. So you "critiques" mean alot - feel free to say what you would change too. Compliments are always thrilling, but suggestions for change are almost better because at least someone is taking the time to think about what you said and how you said it - and it shows the poem is worthy of work. I'm like you and have to digest poems for a while to really know what I think, my own poems too, it can take years! The category thing bothers me too, and I think that "women's poetry" can be written by anyone.
P.S. Glad we're in the same kindergarten poetry class - although I think you can skip some grades . . . give yourself more credit for what you do and know!

5:54 PM, January 18, 2006  
Blogger J.B. Rowell said...


Thanks Anna.


7:17 PM, January 18, 2006  

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